I have received a letter today that really touched my heart. And it’s no wonder, as the author of that letter wrote it from the heart and is also, quite obviously, of the Immortal Priest Lines. Since he brought up so many things that others of this lineage are going through, I thought it would be a good opportunity to address his issues in a way that would help others like him see my response (without interrupting his privacy, of course). So, I have notified him that my response is here on the blog, and I also included a short personal note to him.
As I was pondering about how to talk about all the things he brought up, it occurred to me that it would be much easier to really just “talk” about it as there would be so much to write. So, I’m going to insert an audio post below this text that discusses these issues that the beloved Priest & Priestess so often face. I know very well, as it is my Primary Soul Line too.
I want you all to know, that these recordings will all be available in one spot as pod-casts as well, so hopefully, as they accumulate, they will answer some questions and also foster new discussions between us. Also, please forgive background noises. I won’t be recording these in a studio. I want to be able to reach out to you in a casual way when it seems necessary. So, you will most likely hear my birds chirping, dogs barking and other household sounds as I will be at my desk as I talk to you. (Thank you for your patience with my cough as well, it’s such a nuisance, but something I’m living with for the time being)
Thank you! Let’s give this a try! Just click on the links below to listen…
A Word to a Dear Priest-Part 1
A Word to a Dear Priest-Part 2
If you want to download the audio to your own computer, just right click on the link, and choose Save Link As…
NOTE: All Pod Casts and Audio recordings can be accessed at the Immortals’ Pod Cast site: http://www.immortalspodtalk.com The site is brand new and very simple…only showing these two recordings at this time…but more are on the way! You might want to check in there from time to time…:) Hope you enjoy!
Madame K says
Thank you, Mary Gabrielle,
for this page and project.
It’s brave, globally important, artistically beautiful and – in general – uplififting.
I share many of your ideas and I think our compassion will change the world for the better.
I am excited to have come across your page…. I totally appreciate what you are doing.
Your dedication has caught my interest and I am looking forward to being your friend here or somewhere else, sooner or later.
(I would be happy to join you.)
to eternity !