Hello and Greetings to All of You!
I just wanted you all to know how thankful I am for your wonderful sharing and participation on the site. I am writing this post mostly to let you all know that there was some confusion with my email as I just changed servers. For that reason, I was not receiving your emails. I have just seen them today, and will try to answer all of you as soon as possible.
Thank you, once again, for your patience. These things are all a part of our growing pains, I’m afraid…:)
Much love and support to you,
Hello there. I am not sure if I belong here or not, probably somewhere as I felt a ‘stirring’ inside when I first seen your advertisment come through my mail. But this isn’t why I am writing this short message. I seem to have forgotten my password. I did manage to have a new one generated but now I can’t find the spot to change it to what I want. So each time I try to enter I will have to generate a new pass code. Is it possible that you could insert a link somewhere in either menu for changing passwords and also name change? It would make it so much easier.
I must say also that this is a very unique site.
Dear Rachel,
I am so glad you’ve found the site and have listened to those “stirrings” in your heart. I think you were picking up on the energy here, and sometimes those signs are very subtle.
As to your message regarding the password troubles. This is where my lack of tech savvy is going to show up…:) I’m not sure how to remedy the situation or how to tell you to find the place where you can change it. I am going to get in touch with someone who call help with this and then try to follow through for you. I have noticed messages coming through about people and lost passwords, so I know it’s happening to others too.
If anyone out there has a suggestion, please let us know. In the meantime, I will research how to remedy this and fix it if possible.
Thank you for letting me know about the problem…:)
Hello Again,
In talking to my helper, he said to check the top of the dashboard when you sign in. He says there should be a link at the top that says something to the effect that if you are using an auto-generated password to click here to change it.
Let me know it that helps…:)
I have endured your words and look forward to checking out more tonight as I now do not watch TV and have not for some time, stumbled onto you on youtube while checking out conspiracy stuff, then it changed to spiritual stuff as well. take care