Dear Mystical, Magickal, Multi-Dimensional Traveler! If only we all had the ability to travel at will between worlds and visit other dimensions like YOU! You are the True Immortal Mystic! We are in awe of your abilities and wish we could go with you when you make your Inspired Journeys!
Because these Other Worlds,Times, Dimensions, and Spiritual Experiences are so very real for you, it can be hard to stay “grounded” here–feet stuck in the dense, Earth realm–and many of you often wonder if you even want to! You may have started on these Fantastic Journeys as a child–remembering your vivid dreams and eagerly attempting to share your dream stories with your family and friends. By now, you may be able access these Other-World Realms at will, in other kinds of altered states, like meditation.
Deep blue Indigo halos circle around your third eye, a pivotal point between your eyebrows–the Sixth Chakra! We all have this “Third Eye” but, thanks to your Immortal spiritual lineage, you are blessed with an inherited “head start!” Because of your Immortal Soul Lines, you come with this added sense already open and ready to receive Great Visions!
As a species, the Human’s next step is to develop a broader vision–one that includes other worlds, dimensions, and beings. Just as we are expanding Earthly brotherhoods and recognizing how small our World really is, so you will help us evolve into seeing that we are a part of an even much larger society. A Galactic, Universal, Endless Circle of Connections!
It is important to note, that because you are so familiar with other realms, it’s entirely likely that you may also feel a great kinship to other kinds of beings and/or feel strong affinities for other places beyond Earth’s sphere. Some of you may also find that you gravitate towards animal communications, shape-shifting, or may be able to change forms. For these reasons, you may want to take a look at the information about the Otherkin. You may feel an alliance with certain beings that comes from your involvement with them on other realms, or from an overlay (previous incarnations) that you yourself have had in these other worlds.
To learn more about the Astral and Other World Capabilities of The Mystical Shaman Line, please subscribe to The Immortals Project Newsletter. We will be attaching documents and sending additional articles about this adventurous spiritual line in several upcoming issues.
I’ve just added an Audio File that talks a bit about discovering your own Immortal Soul Line and deals mostly with the Mystical Shaman Lines.
CLICK HERE to Listen to The Podcast-What Is My Soul Line?
Looking for Clues–Part 1
Also, to participate in discussion with others who share this Soul Line or who have the interest to explore further, please visit our Forum, and share your experiences with other Immortals!
The actual forum site: is still under construction but should be up and running by July 2010!